To send your essay for editing, please complete the following steps:

  1. Calculate the amount of your payment [see table below]
  2. Make payment [see below for prices] or send me your document for a quote
  3. Send me an email with your payment reference
  4. Attach your essay to the email

For prices please refer to the guide below, or you can email me your essay and requirements and I will reply with a quote. Most jobs will be finished within 48 hours, if you need the editing completed more quickly, please enquire through email first. If you are in the U.K.Australia, or Taiwan, you can pay directly to my bank account. Please email me for bank account details. To pay online click the button below and then enter the amount for the editing.

Amounts quoted in GBP
 Words    Editing  Rewriting
  1,000      20       35
  2,000      35       45
  5,000     70       95
 10,000    120     160
Amounts quoted in USD
 Words    Editing  Rewriting
  1,000      25       40
  2,000      40       50
  5,000      90     120
 10,000    170     220

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Essay Editing: Your essay will be checked for all common errors of punctuation, grammar, spelling, syntax, and correct use of referencing. Where necessary I will also make comments and suggestions about word choice, appropriateness of topic sentences, and the overall structure of the essay.

Essay Rewriting: In addition to editing your essay where necessary, I will rewrite sentences and critical sections of the essay, such as the introduction and conclusion of the essay. As well as this, topic sentences and supporting sentences will be made to your paragraphs to make your key points clearer.

Guaranteed results